Monday 6 June 2016

LWKMD- Check Out The Funny Application Letter Written By A Job Seeker

I was browsing through some post on Facebook, when i came across this application letter written by a friend, i read it and found it funny so i decided to share it with you guys.
Below is the content of the letter for those that can see the writing in the image:

I refer to the recent death of the Technical Manager at your company and hereby apply for the replacement of the deceased manager.
Each time i apply for a job, i get a reply that there is no vacancy but in this case i have caught you red-handed and you have no excuse because i even attended the funeral to be sure that he was truly dead and buried before applying.
Attached to my letter is a copy of my C.V and his death certificate.

Yours Faithfully

Please share to your friends if you find this funny and interesting!!! 


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