Sunday, 24 July 2016

Meet Calixthe Beyala, The Woman Who Proved That The Bible Is Just A Manual Of War Used Against African People!

Jesus Christ, King of Israel, Son of God, God made man it would be the worst thing for Africans and African-descendants?
It is clear that at a time when the suffering of African descendants has never been stronger, at a time when African countries were bombed, that people are killed, that riches are plundered, the African -French are excluded from any decision-making center, at this time of such enormous pain, terrible humiliations, African descendants pray everywhere in basements basements of Saint Denis or Marseille, Douala and Abidjan . They pray on his knees, eyes closed, the perspiring forehead that Christ by his purified blood to come to their aid, that angels intercede for them, punish their opponents, they find housing, work, papers, the food and so on. And they pray. And they expect.
May God fill their CV! God magically put to death their murderers! God, God, God … Without in any way to ask the question whether this same God is not tired! And pastors whose churches pilulent here and there, the sink in these insanities, in these absurdities to piss of laughter the devil and his horns. And they talk about forgiveness, forgetting that the Bible is above all a great man war. That David’s psalms challenge precisely because he invoked God while sending his army to fight against their opponents. 

* And now the descendants Africans who claim these words without reacting as if they were replacing the action, it should fill his resume, to oust the opposition outside its borders, to fight for his papers to go to the field for harvest! And they argue you the theme of forgiveness, yes, “God is forgiveness” regardless of made that God is first avenger. He must punish an offending child prior to forgive, forgiveness without punishment is an imbecility! They forget that the Crusades were at war, the Bible in his left hand, sword in the right.
They shed tons of blood to win! To plunder! To win! They do not understand that turning the other cheek is madness, because God protects everyone, even the murderers! Yes, the good and the bad guys are also children of God. That our situation in France will never change if not all adhere to the MAF and if we all do not fight! Yes, God is love and peace, but both are also a conquest, to do the necessary war for peace sometimes. Yes, Jesus Christ, the magnificent today is a deadly poison for African descendants. They spend whole nights praying instead to mobilize.
Sundays to pray instead of going to events that they are real and could change their lives. The only pastor to have validly used the Bible to his people is Luther King … All the rest of the Charlatans whose hidden agenda is to ensure domination, their moral domination over the masses, and they turn into abĂȘtissent a people so fragile, so delicate that anyone can break it.


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